Manhattan Coin Club |
Meeting was called to order by the President Mr. Randy at 07:32 p.m. with a total of 13 members and one guest present. The guest was Mr. Paul.
President Mr. Randy reviewed last months minutes. 28FEB20 a presentation will be given by our members at the Manhattan Senior Center (located near the Post Office) at 11:00 on coins and currency, all members are encouraged to attend and invite a friend as well. Reminder to pay your annual dues if you have not. $10 for regular members and $5 for youth members.
The annual coin show currently has 20 tables sold for 15MAR20. A newspaper add will run in the Manhattan Mercury Newspaper Saturday and Sunday before the Coin show on 15MAR20, price of the add was $82. Matt is requested to bring food samples for next time he attends the meeting. A volunteer sheet was present on the bid board for members to volunteer an hour to man the front desk table and sell raffle tickets and answer questions for the public. This volunteer sheet received marginal interest and most of the hours were left blank. Please sign up at the show and help the club.
A display contest will be held again this year at the coin show. Members are encouraged to make a display and participate. Easel or secure table displays are accepted. Prizes of $50, $25, $10 dollars cash will be awarded for 1st 2nd and 3rd places for the contest.
Mr. Dave gave the treasury report and the club account has $3,626.38 total available.
Upcoming shows are Wichita 14-15FEB20, Manhattan 15MAR20, Salina 11APR20. 7 items were present on the bid board. Members are encouraged and thanked for bringing in items monthly for the bid board. The 97th Annual Coin and Money week is 19-25APR20. The topic of celebration this year is “Women of change.” I smell a Susan B. Anthony or Sacajawea coin display at your local bank!!
Members voted to continue our Club membership with the ANA fee is roughly $35 more or less.
Phil W. gave the monthly presentation on U.S. Currency. The program was outstanding and very attention grabbing. Many types of bills were presented and discussed and additionally printing press types and manufacturing methods were also covered. Lets give a big hand to Mr. Phil and his very good presentation. Way to go!
Upcoming Monthly presentations will be given by; Matt in March on coin something, Randy in April on Numismatist Trivia, Allen in May on Transportation tokens. June, July and August are open months and members are encouraged to step up and give a short presentation 10-20 minutes in length on a coin or currency related topic from U.S. to international subjects.
Paul, Don, and Tom won the door prizes for DEC, JAN, and FEB of a 2020 American Silver Eagle. Congratulations! The Junior door prize was won by Owen. Good job! The bid board was closed and meeting was adjourned at 08:45 p.m.
J. Phillips