
Manhattan Coin Club


Manhattan Coin Club Minutes

May 13, 2014

President Melissa called the meeting to order. Treasurer Dave reported a balance of $1,850.28. The Club’s March coin show netted a profit of $746.00.

President Melissa read a letter to the club from Zeke, our former president who served an internship with Heritage Auction House in Dallas, Texas has been offered and accepted a full-time position as a cataloger.

It was also announced that Guy Coffee has suffered a heart attack but was home now and recovering. The club wishes him well.

The 31st Annual Kansas Numismatic Association Coin & Stamp Show, Cessna Activity Center, 2744 George Washington Blvd, Wichita, KS 67210, 06/21/2014 - 06/22/2014 was announced.

Member Ray brought up an article on Nebraska Passes Sales Tax Exemption for Coins & Bullion, Members discussed bordering states that have removed sales tax on coins and bullion. Ray suggested that now might be a good time to attempt to get a similar bill passed. There was discussion but no action was taken.

Allen said and showed the 2014 US Mint Coin Catalog and passed around the First Curved Coin from the United States Mint, the National Baseball Hall of Fame Commemorative Coin.

The June club meeting will be the annual picnic at Long’s Park off of Yuma & 17th street and will start at 6:00 pm. Members should bring a dish to share and table service. The club will provide drinks and chicken.

The program was by Francis Hawks who presented on U. S. Pattern Coins & Trial Coins.

Examples were show of the different patterns and the toning of coins was discussed.

The awarding of door prizes and the silent auction concluded the meeting.
