Manhattan Coin Club |
Newly elected President Zeke called the meeting to order. President Zeke brought up that we still have a pair of sunglasses and hat found at the last meeting. (Guy later claimed hat.) The President also announced that Jess and his wife were celebrating their 50th anniversary. Jess was not in attendance to hear the loud applause they received.
There was no Treasurer report however dues were collected from some members.
Doyle announced auction in Salina this week and two auctions by T&A and Mugler on the 26th. Mark announced the Johnson County Numismatic Society Annual Coin Show in Lenexa. This is a two-day show and features a special "Kids Auction" on Saturday.
President Zeke discussed the Central States Numismatic Society (CSNS) Seminar that was held in Wichita. More information may be found here.
Chuck showed and talked about his recent book find, "Summary of the course of Permanent Fortification and of the Attack and Defense of Permanent Works, for the use of the cadets of the U.S. Military Academy" by Dennis Mahan and printed in 1860. This is a lithographic book wand was owned by George W. Dresser who graduated from West Point in 1861.
Ray did a program on Confederate Currency. He provided a handout on the currency covering identification and fakes. (An Adobe Acrobat file of the handout is included in the email.) In addition to the currency Ray talked about and show his confederate bonds, stamps, and coins. A great presentation well received.
The silent auction was bustling again with many lots to bid on. If you don't bring it, you can't sell it!
Following the silent auction and the awarding of the door prizes the meeting was adjourned.
The following is a repeat however it is still applicable.
NOTE TO THE MEMBERSHIP: It has been brought to the president's attention that it is difficult for some of our members to hear the speaker giving a presentation up in the front of the room. The acoustics are not great, and the fan is rather loud at times, so if we could make an effort to keep commotion, talking, et cetera, to a minimum during the speakerĀ¹s presentation, it might help those in the back hear better over everything else. Many thanks for your consideration!
Chuck T.
Confederate Currency Handout